Fijian Customs and Culture – A Brief Guide & Handbook
by Sai Lealea
Throughout this book the term Fijian refers to the indigenous people of Fiji.
For any one wishing to gain a general understanding of Fijian Culture and Customs, it can be a challenge finding useful information or guide as what to learn in order to be able to conduct oneself when amongst the people of Fiji.
As a Fijian, I know I have always been keen to have an accessible handbook from which I could quickly glean and learn the basics about my Fijian culture, especially those elements that form part of everyday life.
In my work, I have often been approached to provide advice, deliver language lessons and presentation on Fijian culture or translate Fijian materials. I have been fortunate to have learned and lived my culture all these years and am now keen to share it with those wishing to gain some basic understanding.
That is the aim of this book:
- to show you how to get started in developing a basic and general understanding of key aspects of Fijian culture and customs. It is not intended as a comprehensive guide but enough to be able to gain an appreciation of its importance and significance to Fijians.
In this book I have attempted
to bring together and summarised materials that are contained in various
publications into one to serve as a guide and handbook.
It is my hope that with the
topics covered in this book, those of you interested in learning and
understanding Fijian culture and customs will at least have access to material
that would come in handy and useful.
Topics covered include the following:
I Cavucavu ni Vosa Vakaviti - Pronunciation
Vula Vakaviti - Fijian Calendar
Wiliwili Vakaviti - Fijian Numbers
A I Cavuti – Chiefly Titles for Province and District
Na I Vosavosa Vakaviti – Fijian Idioms and Proverbs
Etiquette for Visiting a Fijian Village
Useful Resources
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