belong to one of the 14 provinces (yasana) in Fiji that form part of three
confederacies (matanitu) - Kubuna, Burebasaga, Tovata, which in prechristian
times, were separate states (vanua) in themselves ruled by high chiefs. Each
province is further divided into districts (tikina) which in turn comprise a
number of villages.
At the village level, further groupings occur at the Yavusa which comprise the largest social unit often from a common deified ancestor called "kalou vu". Next is the Mataqali which make up a group of families who become the custodian of a specific traditional role and task within the Yavusa. Land holding is organised within the Mataqali which in turn are made up of Tokatoka who are related families or Vuvale.
During formal presentations and ceremonies Fijians recite
and refer to these traditional affiliations and references denoting their
cultural roots and customary status. This is done by reference to the chiefly
status at each level of Fijian traditional organisational structure beginning at the
village level right to the confederacy or vanua level. In reciting the chiefly
status, reference is made of the chiefly tribe and title.
attending a Fijian ceremony or visiting a Fijian family or village, you will be
expected to make a presentation where you will need to know the chiefly titles
of those you’re visiting. Being able to refer to it will convey a good
impression on your hosts and lead to a comfortable and respectful interaction.
A i Cavuti is the term denoting the chiefly titles of provinces and districts in Fiji. Find out all about it in the ebook below!
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